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Individualised Child Therapy 

Individualised Child Therapy

We support children, between 2-8 years of age and work in collaboration with parents and teachers to support the child's individual developmental needs.


We help children to develop their:

  • Social interaction

  • Play skills

  • Fine motor skills: drawing, cutting, handwriting

  • Gross motor skills: bike riding, ball skills, climbing etc.

  • Executive functioning abilities: organization, planning, and problem solving

  • Self-care/ independence skills: eating, sleep, dressing, toilet training, bathing, tooth brushing

  • Sensory regulation and attention

  • Emotional regulation

  • Ability to manage transitions/change in routines

We support children with:

  • ASD

  • ADHD

  • Sensory processing challenges

  • Motor planning difficulties

  • Social emotional difficulties

  • Global developmental delays

  • Gross and fine motor delays

  • Independence difficulties

  • Social interaction and play difficulties



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